Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. The Historical Pageant of Leicestershire
    The Leicester Pageant of 1932 was locally a major event, with twelve performances and a cast of 5000 performers, utilising the Edwardian pageantry tradition through one of the most successful and b...

  2. Historical Pageant of Bradford
    Tom Hulme has written about inter-war civic boosterism through pageantry, whereby cities competed to raise their profile and, often combined with industrial and trade exhibitions, sought to boost t...

  3. Bristol: Cradle of Empire
    The 1924 Bristol Pageant was dogged both by bad luck and hubris. The event made major losses and proved a sore reminder that, despite Bristol’s perceived historical place as ‘Cradle of Empire’, its...

  4. Stoke-on-Trent Historical Pageant
    The Stoke-on-Trent Historical Pageant was one of the main features of a large and ambitious event staged to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of its favourite son and pioneering potter, Josi...