Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Farnham Pageant 1988
    After the first Farnham Pageant (1910), Dr Ealand (who had played Henry de Blois) suggested that ‘in the year 2010, when Farnham had the pluck to again put Historical Episodes before the people—and...

  2. Pageant of Farnham
    The Pageant of Farnham was the first of many pageants devised by Neville Lovett (the future Bishop of Salisbury and Portsmouth). It was held to repay some of the debts on the Church House (now Vine...

  3. Waverley Abbey Pageant
    This was a small-scale church pageant of the 1970s, performed by local schoolchildren. Its focus was solely on the history of Waverley Abbey.

  4. Pageant of the Church Beyond the Seas
    Surrey was a pageant hot-spot in the interwar period—at least as far as smaller-scale pageants were concerned. This is an example of one such pageant. Performed by local schoolchildren in Farnham P...