Pageants 26

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. The Historical Pageant of British Music, 1200-1682
    The Cambridge Historical Pageant of British Music was one of hundreds of pageants held up and down the country during the Festival year, though no other pageant was specifically dedicated to music....

  2. Bristol: Cradle of Empire
    The 1924 Bristol Pageant was dogged both by bad luck and hubris. The event made major losses and proved a sore reminder that, despite Bristol’s perceived historical place as ‘Cradle of Empire’, its...

  3. The Manchester Pageant
    The Manchester Historical Pageant was the ‘chief feature’ of the citywide celebrations in 1938, following on from major pageant in 1926 and 1932. It commemorated the bestowal of a Charter of Incorp...

  4. Jubilee pageant at Dudwick
    This was a village pageant held to mark the Silver Jubilee of king George V. Perhaps appropriately, given this context, the pageant paid considerable attention to royalty, featuring kings Alfred th...

  5. Bexhill Historical Pageant
    For a town with a very short span of history, Bexhill’s pageant may have seemed presumptuous. It was part of an outbreak of pageant fever on the south coast seaside towns during the 1920s and 1930s...

  6. Pageant of London (South of the Thames)
    Staged in the grounds of the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham, this pageant was a celebration of the history of London—but specifically that of south London. This perhaps reflected a feeling that the hi...