Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. ‘Flame of Freedom’
    Religious pageants, both by Anglican and nonconformist churches, reached their heyday in the interwar period. Paradoxically, this development accompanied a major stagnation in overall religious obs...

  2. Light Over England Historical Pageant
    The vast majority of pageants included scenes highlighting the importance of the Christian religion to a place or people, and also to the development of the English nation. Yet, for all that religi...

  3. The Harrow Historical Pageant
    The Harrow Historical Pageant was one of the first of the inter-war pageants to return to the traditional civic style of the pre-1914 movement (see also the entry for the Reading Historical Pageant...

  4. The Historical Pageant of Faith and Freedom
    Hugh Parry, a Welsh Congregationalist minister, wrote a number of historical pageants which told the story of the emergence and growth of forms of Nonconformist Protestantism in Britain. These incl...