Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. The Rock
    Jed Esty has argued that the involvement of number of modernist writers, including T.S. Eliot, E.M. Forster and Virginia Woolf, in writing (or writing about) historical pageants in the 1930s was a ...

  2. The Quest
    This institution-led pageant, which took place in Blackburn in the north of England in 1930, made use of an existing text that was the work of no less than the grand pageant master himself—Louis Na...

  3. Pageant of Sussex Saints
    Although religious pageants went back to the 1909 English Church Pageant, it was only during the interwar period that they became major features of the pageant movement. Paradoxically, this accompa...

  4. Rochester Historical Pageant
    Tom Hulme has written about interwar Civic Boosterism through Pageantry, whereby cities competed to raise their profile and, often combined with industrial and trades exhibitions, sought to boost t...