Pageants 6

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. The Pageant of Wakefield and the West Riding
    While pageants had been relatively late to take over the West Riding of Yorkshire, they became major events. The Pageant of Wakefield and the West Riding was the third major civic pageant in the co...

  2. The Pageant of Centuries
    Buckden Palace was formerly the seat of the Bishops of Lincoln, first constructed sometime in the twelfth century and continually extended, rebuilt and repaired (due to recurring fires) over the ce...

  3. Pictures of Local History
    Women’s Institute Pageants were highly popular during the 1920s and early 1930s, and county pageants were also greatly successful (see entry for the Pageant of Staffordshire, 1928, and the Pageants...

  4. Dartford Division of Kent Historical Pageant
    The Dartford Historical Pageant was one of the final civic extravaganzas produced by the famous pageant master Frank Lascelles. In his typical fashion,1 the pageant was a large and spectacular affa...

  5. The Pageant of Ayrshire: The Story of Scotland's Struggle for Independence
    From the outset of planning for this event in 1932, there was no shortage of ambition to make the pageant of Ayrshire a success. Despite the unpromising venue selected, the uncertainty of the weath...

  6. Bexhill Historical Pageant
    For a town with a very short span of history, Bexhill’s pageant may have seemed presumptuous. It was part of an outbreak of pageant fever on the south coast seaside towns during the 1920s and 1930s...