Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Communist Manifesto Centenary Meeting and Pageant
    The Communist Manifesto was the first full statement of the aims of the working-class movement and of its mission—to be ‘the grave-digger of capitalism’…History has already confirmed the conclusion...

  2. Towards Tomorrow: A Pageant of Co-operation
    After the costly failure of the London Pageant of Labour (1934), whose organisers were pursued through the courts for several years by their creditors (eagerly reported on by the right-wing press),...

  3. A Pageant of Chartism: Heirs to the Charter
    The front cover of the pageant programme made unequivocally clear the historical lineage underpinning the event, with the words ‘Chartism—1839’ and ‘Communism—1939’ at the top of the page. Further ...

  4. Pageant of South Wales
    As Chris Williams argues, commemorating the chartists in Wales was a contentious issue.5 Unlike in most of England, the Chartist movement turned into a rising in Newport in 1839 which was brutally ...