Pageants 5

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. The Pageant of London
    The Pageant of London was the main attraction of the Festival of Empire at Crystal Palace in 1911. Undoubtedly the largest and most ambitious pageant of the Edwardian period, if not the whole twent...

  2. Legends of Windlesham
    This is an example of a village pageant from the later 1930s (many were held in Surrey especially). It was evidently a small-scale affair, and only performed once—with no charge for entry. Its cont...

  3. Pageant of the Black Prince
    Trematon Castle was built around 1240, with a gatehouse added by Edward in 1350.[1] The pageant reverberates with the anxiety over war, shown through the Fortune Teller’s prediction of battleships ...

  4. Dartford Division of Kent Historical Pageant
    The Dartford Historical Pageant was one of the final civic extravaganzas produced by the famous pageant master Frank Lascelles. In his typical fashion,1 the pageant was a large and spectacular affa...

  5. Pageant of London (South of the Thames)
    Staged in the grounds of the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham, this pageant was a celebration of the history of London—but specifically that of south London. This perhaps reflected a feeling that the hi...